Enhancing well-being at the intersections of neuroscience, technology and perfumery
FutureWear - VF Corp
Running in a 'Bubble'
‘Lift My Mind’ is a technical hydration prototype backpack designed for The North Face by Jenny Tillotson with the intention to enhance sports performance. Commissioned by VF Corporation (via the Textile Futures Research Centre, University of the Arts London), the backpack was designed for the VF Corporation 'FutureWear' innovation summit using sensor-induced scent technology developed in the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. The prototype aimed to improve health and wellbeing using evidence that certain essential oils can influence mood, physiology, behaviour and emotional states in humans. The backpack was embedded with a disposable solid scent cartridge system with a choice of three wellbeing aromas initially designed for a mobile phone. The cartridge is worn on the chest directly under the nose and dispenses aromas under computer-control, targeting the the nostrils in steady pulses. The user can choose from a wide range of aromas by pressing the embroidery buttons, for example, purple, orange and green which represent lavender to relax, citrus to energise and peppermint to improve sports performance and/or increase alertness. Future iterations of the prototype will include activation via tracking sensors and smartphone settings.
VF Corporation - the portfolio of icon brands (The North Face, VANS, et al), had the idea of developing and hosting an innovation showcase summit, bringing to life consumer-based trends and key technologies that could influence the development of next-generation apparel. A key aim of this event was to create an interactive environment, which allowed VF Corporation staff to see and experience new and emerging concepts that would help them to identify innovation opportunities, build new networks, and come away feeling inspired and more knowledgeable.
Funded by Cambridge Enterprise and VF Corporation (USA)